Gas station container of Krampitz tank system GmbH once again delivered to Saudi Arabia.

In July 2012, the KTS supplied two full tank systems, each consisting of:

  • 1x gas station tank container 40ft diesel
  • 1x gas station tank container 40ft gasoline
  • 1x office container 10ft
  • 1x shop container 20ft

The tanks were equipped with a dispensing unit at the front and back side, so that diesel at the rear and gasoline at the front side can be refueled.

The system was equipped with an office container for the operating personnel. A shop container, which is outfitted on site by the customer himself, has been integrated into the system. Here, the cash register is located and consumer products such as drinks, snacks, magazines, etc. are sold.

Equipment of tank containers:

  • calibratable dispenser for resale to cars / trucks
  • transfer pump for unloading of tank vehicles (delivery)
  • sun roof
  • all necessary safety components for gasoline / diesel
  • GL approval for marine transport, etc.